Autorização viagem

Escrito por 04/07/2023Categoria: Autorizações

Considerando a nova redação do artigo 83 do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (artigo 14 da Lei 13.812/2019 e artigo 83 da Lei 8.069/90): "Nenhuma criança ou adolescente menor de 16 (dezesseis) anos poderá viajar para fora da comarca onde reside DESACOMPANHADO DOS PAIS OU DOS RESPONSÁVEIS SEM QUE ESSE DOCUMENTO TENHA FIRMA RECONHECIDA POR UM DOS PAIS OU RESPONSAVEIS POR AUTENCIDADE OU SEMELHANÇA."

Em caso de viagem internacional precisamos da assinatura com reconhecimento de firma dos dois responsáveis.



General rule: According to art. 83 of the Child and Adolescent Statute (as amended by Federal Law 13.812/2019), no child or adolescent under 16 years of age may travel outside the region where they reside unaccompanied by their parents or guardians without express judicial authorization. Adolescents aged 16 or over, accompanied or unaccompanied, will not need court authorization to travel.

Category: Permits

Considering the new wording of article 83 of the Child and Adolescent Statute (article 14 of Law 13.812/2019 and article 83 of Law 8.069/90): "No child or adolescent under 16 (sixteen) years of age may travel outside the region where he resides UNACCOMPANIED BY PARENTS OR GUARDIANS WITHOUT THE DOCUMENT OF AUTHORIZATION BEING SIGNED BY ONE OF THE PARENTS OR GUARDIANS, NOTARIZED FOR AUTHENTICITY OR SIMILARITY."

In case of international travel, we need the notarized signature of the two responsible parties.

Travel authorization - click here!

Hosting authorization - click here!

Domestic flight authorization - click here!

International travel authorization - click here!


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